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SEO keyword optimization

Improve web visibility

What is SEO

SEO is a technology composed of comprehensive skills, including copywriting ability, visual ability and website architecture ability.
From the entire website, home page to each article and page, there are different execution methods. Since Google limits a keyword to only two rankings, how to do keyword layout to avoid each other requires years of experience. .

Six professional competencies

  1. SEO Consultant Acting and Teaching and Training of Enterprise Concept and Practical Experience

  2. Business keyword exploration, expansion and layout planning

  3. Google Analytics and search console data analysis

  4. Whole site SEO structure optimization, SEO article writing and modification optimization

  5. Google ADS (SEM) ad serving, performance optimization

  6. Brand network integration marketing exposure strategy consultant and operation


Optimize performance

  1. Assisted the company's website optimization and exposure to increase 200% within 3 months

  2. 100% increase in organic traffic

  3. Assist companies to rank first for multiple sets of keywords

  4. Get Featured Snippet Slots

  5. Optimized over 500 articles for SEO

  6. Keyword layout with more than 3,000 words

SEO keyword layout growth process


Step1. Explore the exposure period

Focus on the extension of natural search of "keywords", and keywords of commercial economy and exposure need to be laid out separately
Focus: keyword collection and sorting


Step2. CTR period

Focus on "optimizing" numbers, observe festivals, consecutive holidays, weekday pageviews, bounce rate, dwell time, and number of pages viewed.
Key point: It takes time to accumulate, compare the values and trends before and after optimization


Step3. Conversion rate period

Compare with actual online orders, or cooperate with on-site statistics of "behavior", local store exposure, phone calls, number of reservations, and website behavior of specific activities.

Important: Compare “specific page” numbers with behavior to verify that traffic leads to performance

Growth chart illustration

The detection and analysis of data is boring and time-consuming, but it is an extremely important basic collection work. The effectiveness of any website or article needs to be assisted by data, not to be happy, nor to be Buddhist. Only by relying on solid data insights can we plan the right direction and provide real reports regularly, so that partners can grow steadily together.

Growth chart illustration

How long does it take to get to the first page? How "long" does the exposure have to be to have an effect? These are not based on feelings.
Time is people's most valuable asset, and we must not spend money and waste time to do it all over again. I have spent a lot of time researching how to correctly and effectively lay out exposure and which tools to use to speed up exposure.

Three benefits of working with us

1. Performance Orientation


  • It is our aim to help companies achieve real revenue growth.

2. Highly professional

  • With many years of SEO consulting teaching and practical experience, as well as physical and online marketing sales experience, he can think with enterprises from the perspective of revenue and cost, and plan the most suitable SEO layout strategy.

3. Transparency and openness

  • All cooperating companies directly review the data from the Google data analyzer together with the company, do not make additional data reports, provide the most authentic data, and avoid the doubts of falsified data.

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